How to use an anti-fog?

Maybe you think it doesn’t matter if you have an antifog layer on your goggles or not, that the goggles anyway fog up over time. Here is a tip on how to deal with fogging! 


What to do if your goggles fog up 

Fogged-up goggles can make your time spent in the water unpleasant. Now and then you can’t see anything and slowly bump into other swimmers. But who can clean their goggles after every other lap?
You have a few options: 
1. Soak the goggles in chlorinated water – unfortunately, this way you can damage the original anti-fog layer on the lenses with the aggressive chlorine. 
2. Licking the lenses from the inside – also an option but not as effective 
3. Anti-fog spray – most effective 
4. Get new swimming goggles – most expensive


Use an anti-fog spray, but how? 

1. Spray a layer of anti-fog on the inner sides of the lenses. About two sprays are enough for each eye. 
2. Don’t touch the inside of the lenses with your fingers or a cloth. 
3. Let the goggles dry for a while on their own. 
4. Finally, rinse the goggles under cold tap water. It only takes a few moments and the clear view without fog is definitely worth it. 

Final tip: 

Leave the leftover anti-fog in the goggles to dry or just pour it out. If you leave the fluid in the goggles it can be unpleasant for the eyes. 
Don’t soak the goggles in the swimming pool before jumping into the water, this way they will last longer without fogging. If the goggles fog up, you can rinse them with cold tap water and treat them with a new anti-fog layer after the training. 
Unfortunately, these tips are not 100% effective for every pair of goggles. Fogging depends on many things, such as excessive skin perspiration, skin pH, water and body temperature, etc. The only way to know if an anti-fog spray works is to try it yourself.

Swans Anti-fog Spray
Swans Anti-fog Spray
£ 7,96

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